The Opportunity in Change: How Changing Goals Change Financial Plans

During the pandemic, my family moved into a new house. We weren’t planning on moving, but that didn’t stop us from participating in the pandemic housing boom. But we did so at a time where the kids weren’t yet out of school, so for about three weeks, we owned two homes. Instead of having to …

As Gaming Industry Levels Up, So Does Its Value to Investors

Many investors are embracing the $160 billion gaming market. The industry is larger than the $43 billion box office, $60 billion video streaming and $19 billion music businesses combined.

How to Make Sense of Retirement and Estate Finance

Retirement is far off until it isn’t. This chapter of life can sneak up on just about anyone, and we do ourselves a favor to be as prepared as we can. Like anything involving the government, finances can be confusing, with different tax treatments, contribution limits, beneficiary rules and more.

The Comprehensive Guide to Estate Planning

An estate plan doesn’t materialize with the snap of your fingers. In fact, an estate plan demands that you confront your mortality. Perhaps that’s why so many of us fail to plan for the future. The reality is that estate planning isn’t about you – it’s about your loved ones. Much stands to …

How Traveling to Alaska Helped Give Me the Perspective I Needed During the Pandemic

I recently took a short trip to Alaska with my wife to visit our son who just returned from a 13-month deployment. He was able to take time off but was not allowed to leave the state.

Teaching Kids about Money from Childhood Through Adulthood

Teaching kids about money is especially complex – you aren’t just passing on a few bucks to go to the movies, but an array of attitudes, values and assumptions regardless of whether you mean to. Your kids watch, in a way not even they are aware of, how you interact with finance and how you …

Why You Should Start Your Estate Plan Today (Instead of Tomorrow)

Many of us think we don’t have enough assets for a will to be necessary, or we’ve simply put it in the “I’ll get to it” category. But planning carefully now can save your beneficiaries from legal fees, tax losses and the ugly relational stress that comes up all too often in the estate process. 

Are Your Fears Stopping You From Attaining Your Goals (Both Financially and Personally)?

When you sit down to set your goals, do you also set your fears? Recently, I had the privilege to participate in a workshop with other financial advisors to help us improve in our respective roles.

How to Grow (and Keep) Your Emergency Fund

The most solid strategy is to build an emergency fund – accessible, ready and able to support you and your family when you hit a rough patch. Let’s look at a few essentials on creating and protecting your rainy-day money, and how this fits into your overall wealth plan. 

Avoiding Extremes in Financial Planning (and in General!)

Years ago, a speaker at our church encouraged us to “avoid extremes.” Right away my mind went to sadness or anger and he addressed that. The part I didn’t see coming was to avoid extreme happiness or being extremely prideful.

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